» Machines That Move

Machines That Move

Book meta-data
  • Reading Box: Yellow (Levels 6-8)
  • Year: One
  • Fiction/Nonfiction: Non-fiction
  • Theme/Topic: Physical science, Science and technology
  • Genre: Explanation
  • Strategy/Skills: Asking and answering questions, Determining main ideas
  • Page Count: 12
  • Reading Level: 8
  • Item Code: 200692
  • High Frequency Words: all, an, has, have, that, they, what
  • Curriculum Codes: ACELA1435, ACELA1434, ACELA1786, ACELA1437, ACELA1440, ACELA1817, ACELA1818, ACELY1648, ACELY1649, ACELY1650, ACELA1453, ACELA1454, ACELA1821, ACELY1659, ACELY1660
Reader Description

What makes a plane move? What about a bulldozer? Different machines move in different ways. Find out how!

After you have completed the Reader

Make three headings - Air, Land, and Sea. Think of as many machines as you can. Think about how each machines moves. Put it under either "Air", "Land", or "Sea". Talk to someone about how each thing moves.

Support Materials

Blackline Master


Lesson Plan


Printable Reader


Printable Reader (Wordless)


Reading Record


Sequence Strip
